Labour Supply Service

The labor supply solutions

Our labor is highly dominant in this logistic field and has been managed by our self-motivated and ingenious team.

  • Easy to maintenance the cost
  • Being fast and efficient in supply chain
  • Comply with the labor law


We are licensed labor supply brokerage and recruitment agency, registered and approved by concerned Government Department in Thailand.
We offer the wide range of the examine service including checking the products' code, confirming the account of the goods, and quality before handling in and out, which will enhance the transparency of the products' stock. We also assign the laborers to move, loading and unloading the goods according to the clients' requirements, ordering the cargoes, and placing the pallets. For the control truck in and out, we have a professional team to support and coordinate the driver receive product since the car arrived at the warehouse until exiting the inventory. Besides, the team will coordinate with the supply team to distribute the stock's goods. We also offer document services to confirm and issue invoice delivery. In terms of the report, we handle the rejecting-goods report and loading report in each truck arrival.

Method used

5S: It is a process that is systematic and has guidelines. Appropriate can be used to Improve work and improve the environment in the workplace Both the production segment and service, Which is used to increase the performance of the organization another way.
Sort: Checking the equipment's quality in the working area to identify usage, frequency, the last time used, and necessary.
Section: It is an arrangement of all items that are considered necessary in the area. to be able to use the most suitable way.
Shine: Cleaning the work area from sweeping, mopping ,cleaning, dusting and removing garbage and bringing tools finished equipment.
Standardize: Convenient and organized layout The area is clean ,not cluttered.
Sustain: All employees have been trained that the area has 5S methodology

Our Locations

Frequently Asked

Our clients ask us most frequently

Are there any safety measures at work?

Yes, there are. We prepare the safety equipment for every staff. (footgear, Reflective vest, and helmet)

Is there any training at work?

Yes, there is. There is safety training and work procedures for new employees and training reviews to increase employees' skills once a year.

Where is the labor service area available?

There are in Bangkok and metropolitan.

Have any question for us?

Don’t hesitate to contact us and get your questions answered.

Call Now 1-420-230-3493

Other Services

See what we specialize in and how we do it

Land-Air-Sea Connection

Thailand connects neighboring countries through cross-border logistics, linking to Europe and America via its international airports and ports for global trade and connectivity.

Enhanced Trade Opportunities

Cross-border service

With own fleet and experienced team in Thailand and also neighboring countries. We provide the best service

Control time and delivery

Fresh distribution

With over 50 control temperature trucks in our fleet, we serve both project and ad hoc shipment

General and chilled truck available

for modern team


Phone: +662 7132997-8
1023/41 Soi Pridibanomyong 41, Sukhumvit 71 Rd. Klongtonnua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110